Date: May 2, 2016
Contact: Leslie Palma
NEW YORK — To celebrate the 25th anniversary of the founding of Priests for Life and to highlight its core mission of empowering clergy to be passionate advocates for the unborn, Father Frank Pavone, National Director, has released today his newest book, Proclaiming the Message of Life: Weekly Reflections from the Lectionary (Servant Books, 2016)
The book guides clergy –and laity – through the pro-life themes found in the readings of every Sunday of all three liturgical years.
Proclaiming the Message of Life provides an overview of the Scriptural, doctrinal and liturgical bases for preaching the pro-life message, presents homily hints for Sundays and holy days, and articulates the pro-life dimensions of the priesthood itself.
“Defending the dignity of the human person is not a task added on to our ministry but rather one inseparable from it and flowing from its very heart,” Father Pavone writes in a chapter on “The Heart of the Priesthood.”
The preaching tips focus on abortion as the preeminent issue, for reasons that both this book and an entire body of Church documents identify and discuss.
Another section of the book also reviews dozens of common fears or hesitations clergy have regarding preaching on abortion.
The book has received the endorsement of several high-profile Catholic clergy, including Colorado Springs Bishop Michael Sheridan, EWTN’s Father Mitch Pacwa, S.J., and Father John Trigilio Jr., president of the Confraternity of Catholic Clergy.
To order the new book, go to
Priests for Life had its start in San Francisco when several priests wanted to form an association to help their brother priests. The new apostolate received recognition by the Archbishop of San Francisco on April 30, 1991. Fr. Frank Pavone became the first full-time director in 1993. The apostolate has now become a family of ministries including Rachel’s Vineyard, Silent No More, Stand True Youth Outreach, Civil Rights for the Unborn (led by Evangelist Alveda King, niece of Martin Luther King, Jr.), and much more. It is the largest ministry in the Catholic Church focused exclusively on ending abortion.
For more information, visit
Priests for Life is the nation’s largest Catholic pro-life organization dedicated to ending abortion and euthanasia. For more information, visit