Date: December 20, 2012
Contact: Andre Kim
STATEN ISLAND, NY – Father Frank Pavone, National Director of Priests for Life, issued the following statement today regarding another positive development in the ongoing legal battle against the HHS mandate.
On Dec. 18, the D.C. District Court ruled that the Obama administration must suggest another alternative to the contraception and abortifacient mandate for two plaintiffs – a Catholic college and a Christian college — and the court said it will check in with the administration every 60 days to see what progress has been made.
“We are pleased that the court is willing to take this stance with the Obama administration,” Father Pavone said. “At the same time, we don’t expect any cooperation from Obama’s team, because they simply oppose religious freedom.”
Priests for Life filed suit against the HHS mandate in February, and has been in open violation of the ruling since Aug. 1. Those covering the various lawsuits and those who are just interested in protecting the U.S. Constitution are invited to visit A wealth of information, including summaries of every one of the lawsuits, can be found there.
“Every American has a stake in this situation,” Father Pavone said. “It’s important that all of us keep a close eye on what the administration does in regard to this unjust mandate. The only acceptable outcome to us is the total reversal of the HHS mandate, and we will continue pressing for that through our lawsuit.”
Priests for Life is the nation’s largest Catholic pro-life organization dedicated to ending abortion and euthanasia. For more information, visit
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